If you wish to use the Recreation Ground for any group activity, please speak to the Town Clerk or Assistant Town Clerk to book a time slot and receive the latest advice on what can or cannot take place in the area. We ask formal groups to provide evidence of risk assessments and liability insurance before using the Recreation Ground and we reserve the right to charge a fee for commercial activities.
The Recreation Ground was gifted to the Town over a century ago and a Trust Deed was set up in 1910, establishing a Charitable Trust for its management. The Trust passed to Kington Town Council many
years ago and the Town Council is, in law, the Charitable Trustee.
The Recreation Ground Trust therefore follows council procedures in relation to its governance, but meets separately to council meetings. The Recreation Ground Trust has established a Management Group to look after day to day issues concerning the Recreation Ground and its users.
The Town Council makes an annual grant available to the Trust to enable it to carry out its responsibilities.
Recreation Ground Trustees/ Trust meetings are open to the public and are usually held on a Monday 6pm, prior to the meeting of the full council. The Trust does not meet every month so please see the relevant meetings page or notice boards for details of the next meeting.
Members of the Users Group attend User Group meetings by invitation: Management meetings are not open to the public.
Click HERE for the latest set of accounts || Click HERE to view the Recreation Ground Trust Minutes