Planning Information

Kington Town Council takes an active role in relation to planning through its Planning and Environment Committee which meets monthly but does not make final decisions on planning applications as this is the responsibility of Herefordshire Council.  The Town Council is a consultee on planning matters within the Town and can submit observations and comments to Herefordshire Council, as can members of the public. 

Meetings of the Planning and Environment Committee are open to the public, who are given an opportunity to comment to Councillors on planning applications that may affect them.

To view Kington Town Council's planning meeting minutes, click HERE to be taken to the relevant page.

Herefordshire Council’s planning department no longer send individual notification of planning application to neighbouring properties. Information is still available via on-site planning notices (the yellow laminated signs), the Council’s website and the local press.

Click on the link below to be taken to Herefordshire Council's planning pages and to search for planning applications

Planning applications